Week 2: Data Processing and Visualizing
A not very gentle introduction
In this tutorial, you will learn how to import data from external sources, preprocess it and plot a simple graph. By the end of the tutorial you will be able to:
- read from xlsx, csv / txt / tsv, rda and SQL database,
- get familiar with your data by summarizing meta information,
- draw different plots with ggplot2,
- visualize continuous data.
Getting Started
We will play with
- House Prices data used once in Kaggle Challenge, which involves house prices and properties for various different houses in Washington
- Ontario Covid Confirmed Cases data
You will need
(install if not yet installed)- house_subset, provinces and covid datasets
You will also need some additional packages
Now call tidyverse library:
Reading Data
Read from CSV / TXT / TSV
These files are all in same format, and even their extension doesn’t matter. Whatever the name is the columns are separated either
- by a comma (,)
- a tab (\t)
- or anything else
By default read.csv
expects comma, and if something else appears it doesn’t split anything. Besides
- The file may not have a header,
- It may start in the nth row and so on.
Comma Separated
If your file is comma separated then it must look like this:
Then you can read it easily as:
## Province Latitude Longitude
## 1 Saskatchewan 55.00000 -106.00000
## 2 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.00000
## 3 Ontario 50.00000 -85.00000
## 4 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.00000
## 5 Alberta 55.00000 -115.00000
## 6 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.64762
## 7 Manitoba 53.76086 -98.81387
## 8 Newfoundland and Labrador 53.13551 -57.66043
## 9 New Brunswick 46.49839 -66.15967
## 10 Quebec 53.00000 -70.00000
## [1] 10 3
There is information for 10 Canadian provinces and the data is 3 columns.
Tab or Anything Else Separated
tab vs semicolon separated
However when the data is tab or something else separated (e.g. semicolon) as above, then the default option will read the data incorrectly as:
## Province.Latitude.Longitude
## 1 Saskatchewan\t55\t-106
## 2 Prince Edward Island\t46.25\t-63
## 3 Ontario\t50\t-85
## 4 Nova Scotia\t45\t-63
## 5 Alberta\t55\t-115
## 6 British Columbia\t53.726669\t-127.647621
Notice that between each column there is a \t sign and all is in 1 column:
## [1] 10 1
which means the data is not properly read. To read it properly we have to specify the separater:
## Province Latitude Longitude
## 1 Saskatchewan 55.00000 -106.0000
## 2 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.0000
## 3 Ontario 50.00000 -85.0000
## 4 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.0000
## 5 Alberta 55.00000 -115.0000
## 6 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.6476
If it is separated by semicolons (‘;’) then
## Province Latitude Longitude
## 1 Saskatchewan 55.00000 -106.0000
## 2 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.0000
## 3 Ontario 50.00000 -85.0000
## 4 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.0000
## 5 Alberta 55.00000 -115.0000
## 6 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.6476
Without Header
Data do not always have header, and if you don’t specify it, the first row will be read as header:
## Saskatchewan X55 X.106
## 1 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.00000
## 2 Ontario 50.00000 -85.00000
## 3 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.00000
## 4 Alberta 55.00000 -115.00000
## 5 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.64762
## 6 Manitoba 53.76086 -98.81387
Instead, you must add header = F
## V1 V2 V3
## 1 Saskatchewan 55.00000 -106.0000
## 2 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.0000
## 3 Ontario 50.00000 -85.0000
## 4 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.0000
## 5 Alberta 55.00000 -115.0000
## 6 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.6476
Now you can write the headers manually:
## Province Latitude Longitude
## 1 Saskatchewan 55.00000 -106.0000
## 2 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.0000
## 3 Ontario 50.00000 -85.0000
## 4 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.0000
## 5 Alberta 55.00000 -115.0000
## 6 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.6476
Starts from Nth row
If there is a line that you must skip to reach the data you can specify it as
## Province Latitude Longitude
## 1 Saskatchewan 55.00000 -106.0000
## 2 Prince Edward Island 46.25000 -63.0000
## 3 Ontario 50.00000 -85.0000
## 4 Nova Scotia 45.00000 -63.0000
## 5 Alberta 55.00000 -115.0000
## 6 British Columbia 53.72667 -127.6476
From Excel
R is an open source program and is not by default compatible with Excel. You need an additional package, readxl
, to read xlsx files. When you have readxl
installed you can call the library with library('readxl')
then use the function read_excel(...)
. However we don’t want unnecessary functions to be loaded to the RAM. So instead of using library('readxl')
to call all library, we can
## # A tibble: 6 x 21
## id date price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living sqft_lot floors waterfront
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 6.41e9 2014… 5.38e5 3 2.25 2570 7242 2 0
## 2 7.24e9 2014… 1.23e6 4 4.5 5420 101930 1 0
## 3 1.32e9 2014… 2.58e5 3 2.25 1715 6819 2 0
## 4 9.30e9 2015… 6.50e5 4 3 2950 5000 2 0
## 5 1.88e9 2014… 3.95e5 3 2 1890 14040 2 0
## 6 7.98e9 2015… 2.30e5 3 1 1250 9774 1 0
## # … with 12 more variables: view <dbl>, condition <dbl>, grade <dbl>,
## # sqft_above <dbl>, sqft_basement <dbl>, yr_built <dbl>, yr_renovated <dbl>,
## # zipcode <dbl>, lat <dbl>, long <dbl>, sqft_living15 <dbl>, sqft_lot15 <dbl>
By default it reads the first sheet. If you want the second page you can type readxl::read_excel('house_subset.xlsx',2)
instead. Or you can write the sheet name too:
From rda (R native format)
R has its own format, sometimes it is convenient to write and read from it because it is capable of importing ny data type:
## # A tibble: 6 x 21
## id date price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living sqft_lot floors waterfront
## <dbl> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2.52e9 2014… 2.00e6 3 2.75 3050 44867 1 0
## 2 4.22e9 2015… 9.20e5 5 2.25 2730 6000 1.5 0
## 3 9.82e9 2014… 8.85e5 4 2.5 2830 5000 2 0
## 4 2.39e9 2015… 4.80e5 3 1 1040 5060 1 0
## 5 1.48e9 2014… 9.05e5 4 2.5 3300 10250 1 0
## 6 2.29e9 2014… 7.99e5 3 2.5 2140 9897 1 0
## # … with 12 more variables: view <dbl>, condition <dbl>, grade <dbl>,
## # sqft_above <dbl>, sqft_basement <dbl>, yr_built <dbl>, yr_renovated <dbl>,
## # zipcode <dbl>, lat <dbl>, long <dbl>, sqft_living15 <dbl>, sqft_lot15 <dbl>
From SQL
SQL is the language for any data scientist. You will learn how to write SQL in Database course.
We downloaded Ontario Covid Confirmed Cases data and imported to SQLite. The dataset includes only one table, confirmed
, which contains details about people who were confirmed having Covid in Ontario.
You can run SQL codes prior to importing, and assign the result into a data.frame:
## install.packages('RSQLite')
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "data/covid.db")
covid <- dbGetQuery(con,
"SELECT Date, City, COUNT(*) as Confirmed
FROM confirmed
GROUP BY Date, City
## Date City Confirmed
## 1645 2020-05-12 London 2
## 1646 2020-05-12 Mississauga 1
## 1647 2020-05-12 Newmarket 1
## 1648 2020-05-12 Toronto 1
## 1649 2020-05-12 Whitby 3
## 1650 2020-05-12 Windsor 5
In this lab, we need the data in full detail so that we can play with it:
con <- dbConnect(RSQLite::SQLite(), dbname = "data/covid.db")
covid <- dbGetQuery(con, "SELECT * FROM confirmed")
## Row_ID Date Age_Group Gender Acquisition Outcome1
## 1 1 2020-04-29 50s FEMALE Information pending Not Resolved
## 2 2 2020-03-04 40s FEMALE Contact of a confirmed case Resolved
## 3 3 2020-05-04 20s FEMALE Information pending Not Resolved
## 4 4 2020-05-02 50s FEMALE Information pending Not Resolved
## 5 5 2020-04-28 50s MALE Neither Not Resolved
## 6 6 2020-04-10 30s MALE Neither Resolved
## Reporting_PHU Address City
## 1 Peel Public Health 7120 Hurontario Street Mississauga
## 2 Ottawa Public Health 100 Constellation Drive Ottawa
## 3 Windsor-Essex County Health Unit 1005 Ouellette Avenue Windsor
## 4 Region of Waterloo, Public Health 99 Regina Street South Waterloo
## 5 York Region Public Health Services 17250 Yonge Street Newmarket
## 6 Ottawa Public Health 100 Constellation Drive Ottawa
## Postal_Code Reporting_PHU_Website Latitude Longitude
## 1 L5W 1N4 www.peelregion.ca/health/ 43.6474713 -79.7088933
## 2 K2G 6J8 www.ottawapublichealth.ca 45.3456651 -75.7639122
## 3 N9A 4J8 www.wechu.org 42.3087965 -83.0336705
## 4 N2J 4V3 www.chd.region.waterloo.on.ca 43.46287573 -80.52091315
## 5 L3Y 6Z1 www.york.ca/wps/portal/yorkhome/health/ 44.048023 -79.480239
## 6 K2G 6J8 www.ottawapublichealth.ca 45.3456651 -75.7639122
Directly From Online Source
You can also read data into R directly from its source. The below data can be downloaded from Government of Canada Website:
covid.canada <- read.csv(url('https://health-infobase.canada.ca/src/data/covidLive/covid19.csv'))
## pruid prname prnameFR date update numconf numprob
## 1 35 Ontario Ontario 31-01-2020 NA 3 0
## 2 59 British Columbia Colombie-Britannique 31-01-2020 NA 1 0
## 3 1 Canada Canada 31-01-2020 NA 4 0
## 4 35 Ontario Ontario 08-02-2020 NA 3 0
## 5 59 British Columbia Colombie-Britannique 08-02-2020 NA 4 0
## 6 1 Canada Canada 08-02-2020 NA 7 0
## numdeaths numtotal numtested numrecover percentrecover ratetested numtoday
## 1 0 3 NA NA NA 3
## 2 0 1 NA NA NA 1
## 3 0 4 NA NA NA 4
## 4 0 3 NA NA NA 0
## 5 0 4 NA NA NA 3
## 6 0 7 NA NA NA 3
## percentoday ratetotal ratedeaths numdeathstoday percentdeath numtestedtoday
## 1 300 0.02 0 0 0 NA
## 2 100 0.02 0 0 0 NA
## 3 400 0.01 0 0 0 NA
## 4 0 0.02 0 0 0 NA
## 5 300 0.08 0 0 0 NA
## 6 75 0.02 0 0 0 NA
## numrecoveredtoday percentactive numactive rateactive numtotal_last14
## 1 NA 100 3 0.02 NA
## 2 NA 100 1 0.02 NA
## 3 NA 100 4 0.01 NA
## 4 NA 100 3 0.02 NA
## 5 NA 100 4 0.08 NA
## 6 NA 100 7 0.02 NA
## ratetotal_last14 numdeaths_last14 ratedeaths_last14 numtotal_last7
## 1 NA NA NA NA
## 2 NA NA NA NA
## 3 NA NA NA NA
## 4 NA NA NA NA
## 5 NA NA NA NA
## 6 NA NA NA NA
## ratetotal_last7 numdeaths_last7 ratedeaths_last7 avgtotal_last7
## 1 NA NA NA NA
## 2 NA NA NA NA
## 3 NA NA NA NA
## 4 NA NA NA NA
## 5 NA NA NA NA
## 6 NA NA NA NA
## avgincidence_last7 avgdeaths_last7 avgratedeaths_last7
## 1 NA NA NA
## 2 NA NA NA
## 3 NA NA NA
## 4 NA NA NA
## 5 NA NA NA
## 6 NA NA NA
Preprocessing Data
Getting familiar with your data
Before playing with the data it is best to know its properties:
returns top 6 and bottom 6 rowsstr(data)
returns the structure of the datadim(data)
returns the dimensions, # or rows and # of columnsnrow(data)
returns only # of rowsncol(data)
returns only # of columns
returns the column and row namesunique(series)
returns nonduplicating data points in the series
## [1] 237786 10
There are 237786 confirmed cases in Ontario since the beginning of the disease. The dataset contains 10 columns of information.
## 'data.frame': 237786 obs. of 10 variables:
## $ Row_ID : int 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
## $ Case_Reported_Date : Factor w/ 329 levels "2020-01-23","2020-01-24",..: 42 42 42 42 39 42 42 39 40 39 ...
## $ Age_Group : Factor w/ 11 levels "","<20","20s",..: 5 7 5 8 9 6 4 7 9 9 ...
## $ Gender : Factor w/ 4 levels "FEMALE","GENDER DIVERSE",..: 3 3 3 3 3 1 1 3 3 1 ...
## $ Case_AcquisitionInfo: Factor w/ 6 levels "CC","MISSING INFORMATION",..: 1 2 3 1 4 4 3 1 1 4 ...
## $ Outcome1 : Factor w/ 3 levels "Fatal","Not Resolved",..: 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 1 ...
## $ City : Factor w/ 34 levels "Barrie","Belleville",..: 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 31 ...
## $ Postal_Code : Factor w/ 34 levels "K2G 6J8","K6J 5T1",..: 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 ...
## $ Latitude : num 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 43.7 ...
## $ Longitude : num -79.4 -79.4 -79.4 -79.4 -79.4 ...
The dataset contains detailed information about the date of report, age and gender of the person who was tested positive, the outcome, City etc.
is the city that the person resides. Below we show the unique cities included in the data:
## [1] Toronto Barrie Chatham Thorold
## [5] Hamilton Windsor New Liskeard Peterborough
## [9] Sault Ste. Marie Brantford Sudbury St. Thomas
## [13] Oakville Mississauga Whitby Newmarket
## [17] Ottawa Waterloo Point Edward London
## [21] Stratford Cornwall Thunder Bay Guelph
## [25] Kingston Brockville Simcoe Port Hope
## [29] Owen Sound Belleville Kenora Timmins
## [33] North Bay Pembroke
## 34 Levels: Barrie Belleville Brantford Brockville Chatham Cornwall ... Windsor
Basic operations
In R, there are some operations that you must now by heart. These are selecting row and columns, slicing the data and so on. The “by heart” here means you must know the way they work even though you may not need them.
Take the COVID data:
## Row_ID Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Case_AcquisitionInfo Outcome1
## 1 1 2020-04-04 40s MALE CC Resolved
## 2 2 2020-04-04 60s MALE MISSING INFORMATION Resolved
## 3 3 2020-04-04 40s MALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 4 4 2020-04-04 70s MALE CC Resolved
## 5 5 2020-04-01 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 6 6 2020-04-04 50s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 7 7 2020-04-04 30s FEMALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 8 8 2020-04-01 60s MALE CC Resolved
## 9 9 2020-04-02 80s MALE CC Resolved
## 10 10 2020-04-01 80s FEMALE OB Fatal
## City Postal_Code Latitude Longitude
## 1 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 2 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 3 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 4 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 5 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 6 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 7 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 8 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 9 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 10 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
As seen above, the dataset is not as much detailed as it promisses. It masks the zipcode by reporting the same for the City.
The dataset is very big, so for this section we will work with a small proportion of it:
Selecting Columns
Since this is a dataframe, you can use musicians$birthday
to choose the third column. But for matrices it wont’ work. There is another notation that you need to know: You can select certain columns and rows using [ , ]
## [1] 2020-04-09 2020-04-03 2020-04-03 2020-04-01 2020-04-03 2020-04-12
## [7] 2020-04-12 2020-04-12 2020-04-08 2020-04-12
## 329 Levels: 2020-01-23 2020-01-24 2020-02-21 2020-02-25 ... 2021-01-16
## Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender
## 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE
## 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE
## 237779 2020-04-03 90s FEMALE
## 237780 2020-04-01 90s FEMALE
## 237781 2020-04-03 80s MALE
## 237782 2020-04-12 20s MALE
## 237783 2020-04-12 50s FEMALE
## 237784 2020-04-12 40s MALE
## 237785 2020-04-08 90s FEMALE
## 237786 2020-04-12 30s FEMALE
## Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Outcome1 City
## 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
## 237779 2020-04-03 90s FEMALE Fatal Toronto
## 237780 2020-04-01 90s FEMALE Fatal Toronto
## 237781 2020-04-03 80s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237782 2020-04-12 20s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237783 2020-04-12 50s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
## 237784 2020-04-12 40s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237785 2020-04-08 90s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
## 237786 2020-04-12 30s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
or we can drop unwanted columns by using ‘-’ sign:
## Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Outcome1 City
## 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
## 237779 2020-04-03 90s FEMALE Fatal Toronto
## 237780 2020-04-01 90s FEMALE Fatal Toronto
## 237781 2020-04-03 80s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237782 2020-04-12 20s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237783 2020-04-12 50s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
## 237784 2020-04-12 40s MALE Resolved Toronto
## 237785 2020-04-08 90s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
## 237786 2020-04-12 30s FEMALE Resolved Toronto
or call them by name:
## Age_Group Gender Outcome1
## 237777 80s MALE Resolved
## 237778 80s FEMALE Resolved
## 237779 90s FEMALE Fatal
## 237780 90s FEMALE Fatal
## 237781 80s MALE Resolved
## 237782 20s MALE Resolved
## 237783 50s FEMALE Resolved
## 237784 40s MALE Resolved
## 237785 90s FEMALE Resolved
## 237786 30s FEMALE Resolved
Selecting Rows
## Row_ID Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Case_AcquisitionInfo Outcome1
## 237777 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237778 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE OB Resolved
## City Postal_Code Latitude Longitude
## 237777 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237778 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## Row_ID Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Case_AcquisitionInfo Outcome1
## 237777 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237778 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237780 237780 2020-04-01 90s FEMALE OB Fatal
## City Postal_Code Latitude Longitude
## 237777 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237778 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237780 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
or we can drop the rows 3 and 4 by using ‘-’ sign:
## Row_ID Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Case_AcquisitionInfo Outcome1
## 237777 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237778 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237781 237781 2020-04-03 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237782 237782 2020-04-12 20s MALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237783 237783 2020-04-12 50s FEMALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237784 237784 2020-04-12 40s MALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237785 237785 2020-04-08 90s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237786 237786 2020-04-12 30s FEMALE MISSING INFORMATION Resolved
## City Postal_Code Latitude Longitude
## 237777 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237778 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237781 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237782 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237783 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237784 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237785 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237786 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
We can also use logical arrays as filters:
## Row_ID Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Case_AcquisitionInfo Outcome1
## 237777 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237778 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237780 237780 2020-04-01 90s FEMALE OB Fatal
## 237781 237781 2020-04-03 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237782 237782 2020-04-12 20s MALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237785 237785 2020-04-08 90s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237786 237786 2020-04-12 30s FEMALE MISSING INFORMATION Resolved
## City Postal_Code Latitude Longitude
## 237777 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237778 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237780 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237781 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237782 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237785 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
## 237786 Toronto M5B 1W2 43.65659 -79.37936
Cases in Waterloo:
# covid$City == 'Waterloo'
temp <- covid[covid$City == 'Waterloo' & covid$Outcome1 == 'Fatal', ]
# head(temp)
## [1] 182
Cases in Toronto and Mississauga
## [1] 122909
Cities whose name contain the phrase New
is.New <- grepl("New",covid$City)
# head(is.New)
temp <- covid[is.New, c("Age_Group", "Gender", "Outcome1", "City")]
Tidyverse way
Tidyverse can help to process your data very fast in a few line of codes. It has lot’s of features that we will cover gradually, but for now we can start with two of them, select
and filter
Let’s start with select
for selecting columns:
## Age_Group Gender Outcome1
## 237777 80s MALE Resolved
## 237778 80s FEMALE Resolved
## 237779 90s FEMALE Fatal
## 237780 90s FEMALE Fatal
## 237781 80s MALE Resolved
## 237782 20s MALE Resolved
## 237783 50s FEMALE Resolved
## 237784 40s MALE Resolved
## 237785 90s FEMALE Resolved
## 237786 30s FEMALE Resolved
It also allowing choosing a range of columns using their names:
## Case_Reported_Date Age_Group Gender Case_AcquisitionInfo Outcome1
## 237777 2020-04-09 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237778 2020-04-03 80s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237779 2020-04-03 90s FEMALE OB Fatal
## 237780 2020-04-01 90s FEMALE OB Fatal
## 237781 2020-04-03 80s MALE OB Resolved
## 237782 2020-04-12 20s MALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237783 2020-04-12 50s FEMALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237784 2020-04-12 40s MALE NO KNOWN EPI LINK Resolved
## 237785 2020-04-08 90s FEMALE OB Resolved
## 237786 2020-04-12 30s FEMALE MISSING INFORMATION Resolved
Using Pipes
A very handy operator comes with tidyverse package is a pipe. We use %>%
sign to inject output of one operation to another. For example, we can select a couple of columns and then using the resulting table, filter for Waterloo’s cases. So, instead of
wat.cases <- select(covid, c('Age_Group','Gender','Outcome1','City'))
wat.cases <- subset(wat.cases, City == 'Waterloo')
we can use pipes as:
wat.cases <- select(covid, c('Age_Group','Gender','Outcome1','City')) %>%
subset(City == 'Waterloo')
## Age_Group Gender Outcome1 City
## 4186 60s FEMALE Resolved Waterloo
## 4188 20s MALE Resolved Waterloo
## 4190 40s MALE Resolved Waterloo
## 4191 30s FEMALE Resolved Waterloo
## 4196 20s FEMALE Resolved Waterloo
## 4197 40s FEMALE Resolved Waterloo
Notice that in the second line (subset), we didn’t write the data name as the first parameter, it was injected by the pipe operation.
Creating / Manipulating Variables
To create a new variable or manipulate the existing one, you simply assign them. But there are other ways that can be more handy. We will work with the House dataset to show this:
## # A tibble: 6 x 8
## price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living floors zipcode lat long
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2000000 3 2.75 3050 1 98040 47.5 -122.
## 2 920000 5 2.25 2730 1.5 98105 47.7 -122.
## 3 885000 4 2.5 2830 2 98105 47.7 -122.
## 4 480000 3 1 1040 1 98116 47.6 -122.
## 5 905000 4 2.5 3300 1 98040 47.6 -122.
## 6 799000 3 2.5 2140 1 98040 47.6 -122.
Let’s assume we will need a new binary variable, Multistorey
, which is 1 if the house is two or more floors and 0 otherwise:
## # A tibble: 6 x 9
## price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living floors zipcode lat long multistorey
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2000000 3 2.75 3050 1 98040 47.5 -122. 0
## 2 920000 5 2.25 2730 1.5 98105 47.7 -122. 0
## 3 885000 4 2.5 2830 2 98105 47.7 -122. 1
## 4 480000 3 1 1040 1 98116 47.6 -122. 0
## 5 905000 4 2.5 3300 1 98040 47.6 -122. 0
## 6 799000 3 2.5 2140 1 98040 47.6 -122. 0
We could can use mutate
from the tidyverse
package too:
## # A tibble: 6 x 9
## price bedrooms bathrooms sqft_living floors zipcode lat long multistorey
## <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 2000000 3 2.75 3050 1 98040 47.5 -122. 0
## 2 920000 5 2.25 2730 1.5 98105 47.7 -122. 0
## 3 885000 4 2.5 2830 2 98105 47.7 -122. 1
## 4 480000 3 1 1040 1 98116 47.6 -122. 0
## 5 905000 4 2.5 3300 1 98040 47.6 -122. 0
## 6 799000 3 2.5 2140 1 98040 47.6 -122. 0
Grouping and Summarizing
Let’s assume that we are interested in
- average of house prices in different neighbourhoods (zipcode) and
- number of houses in different neighbourhoods (zipcode).
We can calculate the average house prices as:
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
## zipcode avgPrice
## <dbl> <dbl>
## 1 98040 1194230.
## 2 98105 862825.
## 3 98116 618634.
and number of houses as:
## # A tibble: 3 x 2
## zipcode nhouses
## <dbl> <int>
## 1 98040 282
## 2 98105 229
## 3 98116 330
Also we can group by two variables as below:
## # A tibble: 6 x 3
## # Groups: zipcode [3]
## zipcode multistorey nhouses
## <dbl> <dbl> <int>
## 1 98040 0 152
## 2 98040 1 130
## 3 98105 0 141
## 4 98105 1 88
## 5 98116 0 210
## 6 98116 1 120
Visualizing Continuous and Non-Categorical Numeric Data
In this subsection we will try to understand the relation mainly between two continuous variables, sqft_living
space of the house and its price
Before starting let’s give some overview about plotting. Plots in ggplot2
are created by overlapping layers. The layers here refer to background, points in the plot, title and many more. To plot a graph:
- You first create the space and give its data,
- Put the points, lines, etc.
- Add titles
- Tweak label and title sizes (if necessary)
- Change the layout (theme)
- And so on
As you can see it is an empty plot. We must add the points layer:
Other Visuals
Similarly if you want a boxplot of prices you can:
Notice for the scatter plot we used two data, x
and y
, and for the histogram we only used only x
Histogram & Density
ggplot(data = house, aes(x = price)) +
geom_histogram(aes(y=..density..), fill='steelblue', alpha=.6, color='grey75') +
There are countably finite types you can plot with ggplot, including but not limited to:
- line: geom_line()
- point: geom_point()
- barplot: geom_bar()
- boxplot: geom_boxplot()
- density: geom_density()
- historgram: guess what
- and more
Aesthetic Mapping vs. Assignment: Colours, sizes, shapes and else
There is a very important distinction for you to keep in mind:
- Aesthetic mapping:
function is a mapping function. It maps the variables into shapes, sizes and colours - Assigning: Instead of mapping (dynamic), you assign single colour, size etc. to the points.
Let’s begin with Aesthetic mapping. The colour can be given with colour
parameter inside the aes()
On the other hand you can assign a specific colour, say firebrick
, to the points by writing outside of the aes() function:
Or a combination of both
alpha, the little touch that makes things beautiful
alpha is the transitivity of the object. For crowded data like the below it makes a lot of difference:
ggplot(data = house) +
geom_point(aes(x = sqft_living, y = price, colour=zipcode, size = floors), alpha=0.6)
Or you can also use with a couple of different options so that it gives more information about the data
ggplot(data = house) +
geom_point(aes(x = sqft_living, y = price), alpha=0.2, size =4, colour='firebrick') +
Converting to categorical
As we talked above, the zipcode
variable is not continuous but categorical but since it is a number it is read as numeric and therefore treated as a continuous variable. We must know this in advance and convert during preprocessing:
ggplot(data = house) +
geom_point(aes(x = sqft_living, y = price, colour=zipcode, size = floors), alpha=0.5)
There are some default themes available to make your plot look beautiful as it deserves. Here are some of them:
ggplot(data = house, aes(x = sqft_living, y = price)) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=.5, colour='orange') +
ggplot(data = house, aes(x = sqft_living, y = price)) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=.5, colour='orange') +
ggplot(data = house, aes(x = sqft_living, y = price)) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=.5, colour='orange') +
ggplot(data = house, aes(x = sqft_living, y = price)) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=.5, colour='orange') +
ggplot(data = house, aes(x = sqft_living, y = price)) +
geom_point(size=3,alpha=.5, colour='orange') +